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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536

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uchiha suzaku
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
uchiha suzaku

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#151PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:10 am

Prediksiny...dpt drmn nih???
Pengen baca nih klo udh kluar linkny zz
Atau dr...
"Impian dan prediksi ala lady dlm crita naruto"

Mslh siapa lwn prtama naruto jika brhasil keluar dr pulau kura2
Wh gaara ap ngg ada muncul barang sdikit dlm chapter brikutny

NB ; stiap ad member yg minta link...g prnh d jawab..atau djwb pun dgn link yg slah.

Terakhir diubah oleh uchiha suzaku tanggal 21/4/2011, 12:28 am, total 1 kali diubah
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#152PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:19 am

smoga aja lady.
q sejak awala juga menebak klu ten-ten gunakan tuh kipas.
wah...gaara belom muncul dong....
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Rokudaime Raikage
Rokudaime Raikage

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#153PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 4:20 am

Naruto 536 : Naruto to the
Iruka : ( I’m sorry Naruto. I’m
weak. Even though I’m supposed
to be your senior. I’m unable to
protect you )
Bee : So he left ? Fool, you fool.
Iruka : Killer Bee ? That is your
name, right ? I have a favor to ask
Bee : ( I saw this guy somewhere,
but where ? )
Iruka : I beg you ! Please, protect
Naruto !
Bee : That’s not how you should
ask a favor to me. Put your fist on
Iruka : Like this ?
Bee : Okay, I got it. Fool, you fool.
Iruka : ?
Bee : Wait a minute, that was you.
Iruka : ?
Hachibi : Are you okay with this ?
Promising to protect Naruto ? You
were supposed to kepp him here,
Bee : If this guy couldn’t stop him,
then no one can. Because …
Because I saw it. I saw you in
Iruka : You saw me in Naruto ?
Bee : I don’t know who you are to
Naruto. But I can tell you’re
special to him. And my rap is
seraphim, oh yeah !
Naruto jumps from trees to trees
and eats Iruka’s letter.
Bee : Up until now, Naruto never
forgot anything you told him, up
until today.
Your words protected Naruto.
Naruto swallow the letter.
Iruka doesn’t say anything and
bow to Bee as he leaves.
Hachibi : Do you really plan to
protect Naruto and leave the
island ?
Bee : We’re still in the middle of
training, after all. Fool, you fool.
Hachibi : Raikage will go medieval
on you ass, I tell you.
Bee : He will learn faster on the
battlefield, moron. Let’s take a
Back to the Daimyos.
Daimyo : Enough playing cards.
DaimyoB : Don’t we have anything
else to do ?
White Zetsu : FoOoound
TheEEeeMm Very Happy !
Mizukage Kicks White Zetsu !
White Zetsu : Sorry, but I have to
dispose of you.
Mizukage : Me ? You mean US !
*other ninjas comes from behind
the Mizukage*
Raikage : What the fuck is this
shit, Tsunade ? Your guys couldn’t
stop the Kyuubi.
Tsunade : ( Damn Iruka ) Our only
option is to restrain him by force
now. Is the Barrier Team ready ?
Mabui : There is a 36 layer barrier
preventing him from leaving the
island. Even though he’s a
Jinchuuriki, he already lost.
Don’t worry.
Barrier Team
Hyuuga dude : Here he is ! It’s
Naruto !
Barrier Team Leader : Our time to
shine is finally there ! We shed
Tears and blood so we could be
in this team. We must succeed !
Tell HQ we did it. We must not fail,
got it ?
Naruto : Uwaa ?
Naruto rush to the barrier, but it
immedialy heal itself.
Naruto : Huh ?
Bee : It’s a Barrier Seal ! The two
of us will destroy it, got it ?
Naruto : Bee !
Bee goes Hachibi and crashes
into the Barrier.
Hyuuga : What ? Hachibi is there
too ?
Naruto goes Rs Mode.
The Barrier Seal crumbles on iself.
Barrier Guy : Oh crap !
Barrier guy : The barrier will no
heal fast enough !
Captain : If this goes on…
Radio dude : HS asks about the
Captain : We failed.
Radio dude : You betcha.
Naruto : We’re out !
Captain : But they were two.
Nobody told me we’d have to deal
with two of them.
Naruto : Huh ? But isn’t this
supposed to be and island ? Why
are we on the land ?
Bee : Don’t worry too much about
it. We’d better be on the move.
D1 : Outside is really noisy. I can’t
even think calmly.
Black Zetsu : !! ( Hachibi and
Kyuubi’s chakra ! It’s about time
they showed up. we can’t let this
chance going to waste )
Black Zetsu used a root in the
ground to sense chakra at a huge
White Zetsu : It seems like Hachibi
and Kyuubi are on the way.
Madara :…!
White Zetsu : Since they are you
now, what do I do about the
Daimyos ? Should I capture them
so we can engage future
negotiations ?
Madara : I couldn’t care less about
the Daimyos. If we capture them,
we’d have a ton of ninjas coming
to us.
I wanted to use them to bargain
with the alliance to know where
Kyuubi and Hachibi are.
Now that they are on the move,
they are useless to me.
White Zetsu : What ? I took me
forever to get them with Black
Madara : No I mean, ninjas
wouldn’t ignore the daimyos.
Black Zetsu will resume Battle
Warfare. If we threaten the
Mizukage, ninjas will come,
dividing enemy forces.
White Zetsu : Riiiiiiiight … What
will Tobi do ?
Madara : Okay, it’s time for me to
go to the battlefield.
Meanwhile, on the battlefield
Chouza : You did it
Tenten *On the floor, dying* :
Please, someone… help
Healing Team guy : You used way
too much chakra. Stop using that
Fan ninja tool thing.
Ninja : You mean the Hashousen ?
( She probably doesn’t know that
the Hachousen eats your chakra )
Kitsuchi : This is the last of them.
( He’s talking about the Zetsus )
Hinata is on Chouji’s giant fist.
Darui : Thank you. Big giant ass
dude from the Leaf.
Kakuzu : *On the ground, blood
everywhere* : I’m not done yet,
you haven’t seen the last of me.
Darui : Because you don’t know
what’s going on elsewhere. We
Madara *comes from the rear* :
Summoning Technique !
Ninja : You … You are … No !
From the ground comes The
Gedou Mazou.
Ninja : What the bloody hell ?
Madara enters the battlefield.
What does he wants ?
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Join date : 08.02.11
Age : 27
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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#154PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 8:11 am

wa madara turun ke medan perang jg. Kaito-san,, ksh tau donk web spoiler yg Kaito-san copy..
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Rokudaime Raikage
Rokudaime Raikage

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#155PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 8:44 am

@d.kurohyou sama
neh langsung ke TKP nya disini

neh jg ada pict nya
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Rokudaime Raikage
Rokudaime Raikage

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#156PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 9:42 am

di mangastream udah kluar, yg mau baca online langsung aja klik di disini
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black ops
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#157PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 9:45 am

itu munculnya di tmpt div. 1 yah yg di back up div. 2 ? sepertinya yg akan lbh banyak diekspose di tmptnya div. 1
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Ridwan Uzumaki
The Kontroversial From FAN
The Kontroversial From FAN
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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#158PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 10:16 am

divisi 1 & 2 gx ada abis"a zetsu putih ama para ET udah kelar,,datang lagi
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uchiha suzaku
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
uchiha suzaku

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#159PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 10:51 am

Spoiler udh kluar....manga pun udh...
Ayo...lekas bkin topik bru mngenai chapter 536 ini...
N pr admint n momod yg brwenang sgera mem-fuiin tempat ini

Hotto Neshoo....yo!
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black ops
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
black ops

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#160PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:04 pm

yup biar bs berdikusi chapter 536 di topik yang baru
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Jounin Elite
Jounin Elite

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#161PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:12 pm

usahakan thread baru dibuat ceritanya lengkap b.indonesia biar yg pake hp tau.
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#162PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:27 pm

yups mending klu buat thread baru dibuat lengkap dialognya sperti biasa2nya,
agar semua member terfasilitasi. baik yg ol hp or PC....^^
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Komei Eiyu
Lady Angels of Kekkei Genkai
Lady Angels of Kekkei Genkai
Komei Eiyu

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#163PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:35 pm

roku , kok naruto tidk menyadari ia di lacak zetsu ? kan kata ruko san .. naruto pelacak terhebat ?? hehehehe
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#164PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:40 pm

yang mana ya?
q belom lht chapter terbarunya lady.
ya udah deh karin yg paling terhebat klu msalah sensor, mungkin dia satu2nya ninja sensor legendaris
masih gak puaskah lady?....hehehe
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Komei Eiyu
Lady Angels of Kekkei Genkai
Lady Angels of Kekkei Genkai
Komei Eiyu

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#165PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:51 pm

hehheheehe .. nah gitu dong.. baru deh saia percaya . kwkwkwkw
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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#166PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 12:51 pm

udeh jgn sampe mslh tntg "ninja sensor trhebat" ini berujung keributan.. mending fuin aja di topik & ganti topik baru yaitu "Diskusi Naruto 536 dan Prediksi Naruto 537"
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Rokudaime Raikage
Rokudaime Raikage

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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#167PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty21/4/2011, 2:55 pm

yg ini d fuin aja... aq dah buat topik baru nya...
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Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty
#168PostSubyek: Re: Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 Diskusi naruto 535 dan prediksi naruto 536 - Page 7 Empty

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