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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569

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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#101PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 10:37 am

Salam ! :gaaraspin:

pertama, Rep+ buat si Ichi~

Kedua, Saya hanya memberikan beberapa prediksi saya mengenai chapter berikut .
[maaf kalau ada kesamaan dengan senpai"]

1. Naruto akan kesulitan membuka segel sonGoku.
2. Bantuan datang saat Kakashi/Guy dalam keadaan yang benar" terjepit/kepepet.
3. kemungkinan akan ada bijuu lain yang berubah ke mode full yang akan tambah merepotkan Guy+Kakashi.
4. mungkin scene akan beralih*sedikit* ke yang lain.

Trim's , :kkskawarimi:
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Sabaku No Comodo
Kelas S
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#102PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 10:45 am

Goku bukan dari planet namec.. Dari namec mah piccolo.. Goku dari planet saiyan.. Kakashi jgn mati dah.. Bagaimanapun kakasi adalah tokoh utama bersama team 7 lainnya.. Yg mati si ebisu aja.. He2.. Saya yakin rantai si yonbi blm putus chapter dpn.. Mungkin si tobi mengantisipasinya.. Tapi ngmng2 tobi kmrn kemana ya.. Tau g dia kalo naruto d telan m yonbi
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Ridwan Uzumaki
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#103PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 11:17 am

Tapi apa Mungkin Kalo Naruto melepaskan rantai Son ,,ia akan membantu Naruto...
Bisa saja dia hanya ingin bebas,,,Son kan hanya mengatakan "Mungkin kau bisa meyakinkanku"
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#104PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 11:27 am

Ridwan Uzumaki wrote:
Tapi apa Mungkin Kalo Naruto melepaskan rantai Son ,,ia akan membantu Naruto...
Bisa saja dia hanya ingin bebas,,,Son kan hanya mengatakan "Mungkin kau bisa meyakinkanku"

prediksiku Son Goku akan memberikan kekuatannya ke naruto setelah rantai tersebut berhasil dilepas. Tapi butuh usaha yang keras dari naruto untuk menghancurkan/melepas rantai dan meyakinkan Son Goku.... he.............
Dengan melihat kegigihan Son Goku, dan saat Son Goku dah kewalahan menghadapi Tobi. Mungkin setelah itu Kurama akan membantu dengan memberikan kekuatannya u/ menandingi kekuatan Tobi....
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Ridwan Uzumaki
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#105PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 11:34 am

Tapi cara membantu'a Gimana,,Lalu gimana nasib Si Roushi...
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Tokubetsu Jounin
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#106PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 11:36 am

Wah... Akhirnya Keluar jg chapter 568... Cerita nya semakin seru dan menarik...
Prediksi ku untuk chap berikutnya : Mungkin Naruto akan melepaskan Segel Yonbi tp dibantu dengan Kekuatan Kyubi... Kemudian kembali bertarung dengan Bijuu2 yg tersisa untuk diselamatkan Juga ama Naruto seperti Yonbi... Heheee... :jiraiiya:
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Nira Shanekala
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#107PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 11:58 am

...di cina: sun gokong dan di jepang: son goku, brbda dlm dialek saja. Di ambil dr ksah klasik prjalanan ke barat. Masashi itu mngambil tokoh son goku dari ksah klasik prjalanan ke barat, bkn son goku dr dragon ball.
Prediksi: guy akan mngeluarkan jurus gerbang ke 8, setelah sblumnya mengeluarkan jurus
gerbang ke 6: merak fajar (morning peacock)
gerbang ke 7: harimau senja (noon tiger)
gerbang ke 8: kupu-kupu malam (night butterfly)
3 biju langsung klah oleh jurus kupu-kupu malam
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Mizu no Daimyou
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#108PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 12:30 pm

Ridwan Uzumaki wrote:
Tapi cara membantu'a Gimana,,Lalu gimana nasib Si Roushi...

klau memang yonbi membantu cra membantuny dia akan melawan biju yg lain stlah segel d lpas dia akan bebas menentukan prgerakanny tampa ad yg memerintah

klau nasib roushi mungkin seperti jinchuriki lain stlah biju lpas dr jinchuriki ny mk dia tdak akan pny cakra biju lg...krna roushi ad lah E.T dia tdak akan mati jd kemungkinan besar roushi hny akan jd pein biasa seperti pein nagato

mohon d koreksi
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Uchiha Edwin
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#109PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 3:36 pm

wah wahwah
ternyata sun gokong itu diambil dari cerita gokong yg menemani bikso tong ke barat y

Sekarang sih perkiraan saya pasti datang bala bantuan yg menolong kakshi dan gui waktu sekarat
dan naruto melepaskan rantai son dengan bantuan kekuatan kurama
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#110PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 9:17 pm

Namikaze D. Zoldyck wrote:

gerbang ke 6: merak fajar (morning peacock)
gerbang ke 7: harimau senja (noon tiger)
gerbang ke 8: kupu-kupu malam (night butterfly)
3 biju langsung klah oleh jurus kupu-kupu malam

keren juga nama jutsu gerbang ke delapan GUy, tapi jika mengeluarkan itu maka Guy akan mati,,,,

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Sabaku No Comodo
Kelas S
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#111PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 10:10 pm

Yaa.. Dah pasti Guy sensei tewas kalo buka gerbang ke 8 Bee_senpai.. Krn tu pelepasan d bagian jantung.. Bagian terakhir n paling vital d tubuh..
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#112PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty29/12/2011, 10:18 pm

brb baca manga 568 biar bisa ikutan topik
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Uchiha Edwin
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#113PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 10:06 am

Saya g sabar sama chapter selanjutnya
saya perkirakan bahwa naruto akan kesulitan membuka segel son
dan scane berubah ke kage VS madara
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#114PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 10:10 am

Mungkin chapter depan scene beralih ke 5 kage vs madara.

gmna pendapat senpai"... ?
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#115PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 10:48 am

engga tau om,,, ane bukan kishimoto,,,
ane mah ngikut aje mo dibawa kemane ceritanye,,, ^^

kapan ya sasuke giliran tampil,,,?
hutang om kishi banyak banget nih,,, ^^

sorry,,, super OOT,,,
abisnya lagi gak ada ide buat discuss,,,
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Ridwan Uzumaki
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#116PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 1:25 pm

Prediksi q Naruto akan melepaskan Rantai Son menggunakan Rasen Shuriken...
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second hokage
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#117PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 6:16 pm

nih ada prediksi sorry klo msih bahasa Inggris


(On the outside, Killer Bee has managed to regain his composure and viciously headbutts the Yonbi.)

Killer Bee: “Dammit, It can’t be over!” (As the Yonbi and Killer Bee continue to lock horns, the Hachibi speaks to Killer Bee.)

Hachibi: “Calm yourself. The kid’s fine.”

Killer Bee (in thought): “Seriously, c’mon then Eighto, help me lay into ‘em, we gotta get Naruto outta there!”

Hachibi: “That wouldn’t be exactly wise, man. Naruto is speaking with the Yonbi.”

Killer Bee (In thought): “Waat?!”

Hachibi: “Haa, haa, ha! That guy surprises me to no end, if the boy can crack away at that exuberant ape’s demeanor, perhaps we may have a chance after all.”

(Inside the realm where Naruto and Son Goku reside, two Naruto, one grapping the chain around Goku’s left arm and other latching onto the chain around Goku’s right arm, are attempting to shatter the links.)

Naruto: “AHHHHH!” (The shadow clone on the left vanishes as Naruto tires and bends over gasping for air.)

Son Goku: “You’re, uh, not as bright as your attire.”

Naruto: “HEEEY! What’s that supposed to mean!?”

Son Goku: “You can’t just break these chains by force; they were constructed using a special chakra. If they were as easy to snap as you make it out to seem, I’d be out of here in a jiffy. Perhaps my faith in you was unfounded.” (Naruto sits down and folds his legs.)

Naruto: “Not a chance! I’ll figure a way to get you out of here, that’s a promise, Son.”

Son Goku (in thought): “He’s a nice runt, at least.” (On the outside, Kakashi and Gai have their hands full. Several of the Version 2 minions are launching themselves at Kakashi and his shadow clone. Both Kakashi and his shadow clone performs the same hand signs at the same time.)

Kakashi and shadow clone: “Water Element: Wall!”

(Punishing splashes of water smacks into the hosts and disorientates them. Before the hosts can react with counter-attacks, Kakashi and his clone draw out many Kunai, embedding each one with Raiton chakra as Kunai are rapidly thrown all across and into the wet ground. Electricity spreads across the wet field as the Kunai land in the wet ground in way of stakes.

Meanwhile, Gai is in mid-air, to the side of the Rokubi’s head. A crushing, flying knee smashes into the Rokubi’s head. Gai digs his hands into the side of the Rokubi’s head before sliding off and continuously knees the Rokubi in the head.)

Rokubi: “Oooooooahhh!” (Inside the mystical realm, Naruto continues to ponder on what to do. A flashback is now underway. Naruto is remembering his mother using chains made out of chakra to restrain the Kyuubi. The flashback cuts and Naruto comes to a realization once standing up.)

Son Goku: “Got something?”

Naruto: “Yeah, I think so.” (Naruto then remembers when Yamato told him of the strength of his chakra back during the Sasuke retrieval arc. The scene cuts back to the present.)

Son Goku: “Well then…”

Naruto: “I have the chakra type, but, the skill. Well, I’m not exactly keen on how to use it in that manner...” (Naruto has a puzzling look on his face.)

Son Goku: “So, are you giving up?”

Naruto: “Not a chance!”

Son Goku: “Hooo, Haaaa!”

(The scene focuses on Tobi’s location. Tobi turns his head one way, then he turns his head the other way, and finally, his head faces the front.)

Tobi: “I’ve had enough. “ (Tobi makes a hand sign.)

Next Time: The Tailed Beasts of Legend Run Rampant!

nih msih ada lgi tpi msih Inggris

Naruto: (Pulling on Son Goku's Chains)

Hmm, this is no good there has to be some way to get these stupid chains off. Naruto enters Sage Mode, and rips off the chains. Phew, I did it.

Son Goku: (Surprised and Thinking)

Did this kid really use sage mode! Maybe he truly is the one after all. Son Goku has a flashback to the day the bijuu were created.

{Rikudou Sennin (Speaking to all the Bijuu)

I have failed to cleanse this world of it's hatred, but I have created you to guide the human race on the right path so that one day there can truly be peace. I know that one day someone will be born that succeeded where I have failed, when that time comes you are obliged to assist that person, that is the true purpose of your creation.}

Son Goku: Uses telepathy to call all of the other bijuu into to his dimension.

Shukaku: What's going on here? I thought I was still trapped in that damn statue.

Son Goku: Where in a dire situation I know, most of you are still under the control of that masked man, but I think that this boy here may be the one that the Rikudou Sennin spoke of, and our only hope of being truly free.

Kurama: You're and !!!*kata ini disensor oleh Admin*!!! Son. This boy is a weakling, he can't handle our power and there's no way he could cleanse the world of it's hatred. This child can not even take care of himself, he would be dead a hundred times over if not for my power.

Shukaku: You've alway's been arrogant Kurama. I don't know much about this child, but he was able to hold me back with only a fraction of your so called power.

Gyumaoh (Hachibi): Naruto is strong, and he is kind I believe in his power and think he can free us.

The other bijuu eventually come around to Son Goku and Gyumaoh's point of view.

Kurama: Fine I will lend this boy even more of my power to show you all how foolish you are.

Son Goku (To Naruto): The bijuu have decided that you are the world's best hope for piece and will lend you our combined strength. However, are combined power is so chaotic that you will have to balance it with the calming power of nature to stop your body from tearing itself apart.

Naruto: I won't let you down.

The bijuu all create huge balls of chakra similar to the chakra that Naruto received from the kyuubi, as Naruto gathers more natural energy.

Out in the real world.

Tobi: What the hell is going on, all of the bijuu are somehow ignoring my commands. I only have one choice, kuchiose Gedo Mazo.

Naruto then bursts from the mouth of Son Goku in a new version of Rikudou Mode. Ready to face the gedo mazo.


Chapter starts with Sasuke testing Susanooh. His Susanooh grows wings and fires a string of Yasakani no Magatama. The Magatama explode enormously, amusing Sasuke. Then His Susanooh seems to be shrinking for some reason then cut...

Naruto uses Rasenshuriken to destroy the chains of SonGoku. SonGoku rampages and scares the crap out of Naruto. Turns out that SonGoku is just testing him. The ape king regurgitates Naruto.

Son Goku tells that the RS created them from the chakra of the Juubi, not the will of the demon itself. They were blank slates. The RS treated them as friends and sent them across the ninja world to do whatever they want for one condition... never get involved with human affairs... but they can choose to help if the humans needed saving.

SonGoku chose to reside in the Suiren caves and become the Ape King. Rokubi walked the similar path, becoming the King of the Slugs.

Naruto starts to hear the Rokubi (named Pikkoro wtf) talk now inside a glass prison. He talks about how his jinchuriki Utakata fears him a lot when it was alive... to the point that Utakata only used Rokubi when it's a matter of life and death. The Rokubi always liked Utakata but never vice versa. Tobi cuts off their communication and Sharinganizes Rokubi... continuing the rampage.

The Yonbi decides to get out of the ET body but since Roshi is an ET zombie, he can't die. Roshi retains the Lava powers but not the Biju cloak.

The Yonbi and Hachibi unite to subdue the Rokubi. Hachibi's name is revealed to be Gyumaoh (from Saiyuki and DBZ).

Tobi goes desperate and turns Yugito and Yagura into Nibi (name revealed to be Kirara, twotailed fire cat from InuYasha) and Sanbi (named ShaGojyo, the water demon from Saiyuki)... Tobi also summons the Ichibi that rages about being freed.

Han, Fuu, and Roshi continue to battle Guy and Kakashi

Kyubi recognizes the annoying yell of the raccoon demon and tells Naruto to remove his seals so he can fight for Naruto... and to settle a score with the Ichibi...

Last pages show A attacks with a spear (wrestling move) while on Raiton shroud but gets caught by Madara's Susanooh... struggling to get out... then he gets out but injured throughout, with blood all over him.

Onoki is bleeding from the mouth stating he can't use Jinton anymore because he wasted his all his previous Jinton on Madara's genjutsu decoy. Mei is exhausted but her Futton is still on, disintegrating Madara's flesh-n-bone Susanoo. Gaara's sand pins Susanooh on its place, and Tsunade heals A and Onoki.

Tsunade commands Gaara to protect her and Mei to stand back. She uses a forbidden technique that was passed down from grandmother and grandfather, Mito and Hashirama... Madara becomes alarmed.

Tsunade says that knows how Hashirama defeated him but executing it flawlessly would be a gamble... she might waste all her chakra for nothign but it's worth the try. Tsunade says that the moment Madara's Susanooh gives out a hole for her to get in will be Madara's end.

Final panel is Tsunade's chakra raising, she's forming handseals... and markings appear on her skin.

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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#118PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 7:33 pm

@second hokage : kalo bole tw kmu dapat info dr mana
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#119PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 8:02 pm

hadah predksi banyak2 bahasanya linggis mua lagi, g bgtu guna baca prediksi gtu c menerut gw. kecuali kalo prediksinya dalam bahasa indo baru mungkin mau baca Very Happy

oot dunk, da yg punya link chapter ttg kakashi gaiden ga? nyari di mangacan g ada nih, kalo da yg tau tolong post disini ya ;)
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Ridwan Uzumaki
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#120PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 8:07 pm

Sebener'a tdk masalah kalo Prediksi'a d'post dalam bahasa Ing..Kalo d'translate k'bhs Indo,,nanti mlah jadi berantakan..Tapi @second hokage lebih baik satu" saja d'post Prediksi'a...
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second hokage
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#121PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 8:26 pm

thx atas penjelasan nya senpai ridwan
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Ridwan Uzumaki
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The Kontroversial From FAN
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#122PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 8:35 pm

Senang bisa membantumu @Second kun..OK,,BTT
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Jounin Elite
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#123PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty30/12/2011, 8:52 pm

OOT ya

koq perasaan diskusi naruto tentang chapter ini sepi ya

oke BTT

sepertinya naruto bakal diajari oleh si kurama n son goku cara buka segel nya deh
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#124PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty31/12/2011, 6:18 am

@second hokage
Rep+ untuk anda . . .
Namanya juga prediksi, belum tentu 100% akan muncul di chapter depan,namun setidaknya bisa memberikan warna tersendiri untuk diskusi,
@kyubi naruto
Wah,anda tidak menghargai postingan orang,@second hokage yang baru 13 tahun aja bisa ngepost kek gitu,eh,anda yang 15 taun mengatakan prediksi dlam bahasa inggris gak guna..ckckck....gak bisa bahasa inggris ya??
@ridwan uzumaki
Nha,setuju dengan senpai,kalo ditranslate,nanti artinya bisa beda2,kayak yang dichapter ini : son ditranslate jadi anak laki2,padahal son kan nama biju..
Next prediksi ke depan . . .
kakashi dan guy akan mengeluarkan kemampuan terhebatnya,dan hampir menghabiskan seluruh cakra,namun bala bantuan akan datang...amin....biar kakashi dan guy gak tewas....
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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#125PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty31/12/2011, 6:34 am

Ronie wrote:
koq perasaan diskusi naruto tentang chapter ini sepi ya
maaf kalau akhir2 kurang nyaman begini,
kami disini tdk semuanya berprofesi sbg peramal jd mohon dimaklumi jika mulai sepi dlm memprediksi chapter depan. mungkin yg paling pandai meramal si pertapa katak saja...^^

kira2 rantai yg membelenggu yonbi itu hanya bs dihancurkan oleh kekuatan saja atau dg jutsu segel? kalau dilihat2 pun rantai itu seperti cakrakan tp disisi lain berfungsi sbg segel.
ayo kita prediksikan kira2 dg apa naruto membebaskan yonbi?
dg jurus2 yg mengandalkan cakranya atau dg jutsu segel juga?

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diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty
#126PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 diskusi naruto 568 dan prediksi 569 - Page 5 Empty

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