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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower

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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#1PostSubyek: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty21/4/2011, 1:33 am

Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower 220px-Naruto_Shippuden_4

Yamato, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai are assigned on a mission to capture Mukade, a missing-nin. They all have chakra-knives, which are used to attack. They set out for the once glorious historic ruins of Rouran, a city with one thousand towers and is located in the middle of the desert. They pursue and corner the missing-nin. Mukade's goal is revealed to travel to the past and take over the Five Great Shinobi Countries with the power of the Ryūmyaku, an ancient chakra flow deep underground Rouran. He unleashes the power of the Ryūmyaku, which is seen to have been sealed by Minato's hirashin kunai, causing a light to envelop Naruto and Yamato, who was trying to stop Naruto. Sai stops Sakura from getting sucked in by the Ryūmyaku by getting her on his ink bird while Sakura cries out Naruto's name. Naruto and Yamato are sent twenty years into the past. When Naruto awakens from this time slip, he meets the queen of Rouran, Sāra.

It's later reavealed that Mukade traveled to the past 6 years before Naruto did. By this point he has changed his name to Anrokuzan and serves as the minister of Rouran. He has killed Sāra's mother Sēramu, the previous queen, and is now attempting to kill Sāra and take over the world. Naruto tells Sāra that he will protect her. Anrokuzan is seen to have slaves, who are citizens of Rouran, doing his dirty work. With the Ryūmyaku, Anrokuzan is able to create the "Puppet Ninja Forces." Which can attack using the Ryūmyaku's chakra, and are able to throw kunai. Naruto is seen using his chakra-knife to attack them.

Minato Namikaze, Naruto's long-deceased father (who was well-known as Konoha's Fourth Hokage) is now seen at Konoha, and Jiraiya shows Minato that he has completed the Rasengan. Then the young Shizune, Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi, and Kakashi Hatake are waiting in a long line at the grand opening of the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. Hiruzen Sarutobi has heard of Anrokuzan's evil plans, and sends Minato Namikaze, Shibi Aburame, Chōza Akimichi, and upon Minato's request, Kakashi Hatake, to put an end to his plans. Naruto later comes into contact with Minato, who is now on his mission. Minato tells Naruto that he too is a Konoha ninja, and tells him to go back to his own time period, as it's not safe at Rouran. He then tells Naruto the circumstances at Rouran, and gives Naruto his hirashin kunai to hold on to. While Minato is talking to Naruto, Sāra has a flashback of when she was a little kid and her mother. They were singing until Anrokuzan came and stabbed Sēramu, while Sāra ran away.

Later Anrokuzan is seen to be a giant puppet, he is able to use parts of the towers of Rouran to repair himself from any attack, which is part of his regenerative technique with the power of the Ryūmyaku. Naruto and Minato combine their own Rasengan. With the help of the Ryūmyaku's energy, the Rasengan grow to be even more powerful. Sāra seals off most of the Ryūmyaku, making Anrokuzan unable to use his regenerative technique. Minato goes off and tells Naruto that this is the time to attack him. Naruto succeeds in hitting him. Anrokuzan states that this will not be over. As the floor crumbles, he falls down into a pool of the Ryūmyaku. Sāra is still seen on the crumbling floor, Naruto manages to catch her, but falls in too. Yamato, who is holding on to Kakashi, comes and uses his Wood Release to catch Naruto. Minato asks Naruto to give back his kunai to completely seal off the Ryūmyaku. A bright blue light shines as Minato seals the Ryūmyaku. Naruto and Yamato's bodies begin to glow. Minato says since that Anrokuzan is dead, his spell, which made them travel to the past, wears off, and that they won't remember the events that had happened when they return. Naruto tells Minato that he still needs to ask him something, and that if he doesn't now he'll never have the chance to. Minato replies that if he ever had a son, he will raise him to be a wonderful shinobi like Naruto, implying Minato knew who Naruto was the whole time while Naruto did not know him. Sāra tells Naruto that she'll never forget what Naruto had taught her.

Naruto and Yamato's bodies completely fade away. In the present time, the Ryūmyaku that is unleashed by Mukade fades away. Sakura is still seen on Sai's ink bird crying out Naruto's name. Sakura then grabs and pulls on Naruto's ear and yells at him afterwards.

Format : MKV
Contents : 195 MB

Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto+shippuuden+the+movie+4

Links Download:
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NB : Qualitas masih CAM !! Cuma bagi yang penasaran aja boleh download, sembari menunggu yang Qualitasnya Oke
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#2PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty21/4/2011, 1:50 am

Bagi yang minat silahkan mencoba,
disitu ada 2 alternatif tempat untuk download.
Alternatif 1 = Mediafire
Alternatif 2 = Enterupload

Buruan bagi agan2 yg kagak sabaran,
keburu di remove lo.... :leepose:
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#3PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty21/4/2011, 12:53 pm

kpn sih film ny dirilis di Indonesia, pdahal kan udh hampir setahun film itu. Tar malah keburu Yg Movie 5 "Blood Prison" lho...!
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#4PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty21/4/2011, 1:05 pm

hmm...itu masalahnya,
denger2 malah the movie 5 udah mau dirilis dlm wkt dekat ini.
itupun msh di jepun sono...^^
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#5PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty22/4/2011, 3:49 pm

di movie ini lucu jg lihat kakashi,guy,shizune,asuma saat seumuran konohamaru sekarang.
eh ternyata dari teman seangkatan kakashi, dialah yg paling pendek dulunya.
yah...sperti naruto saat msh kecil. tp hebat benar nih kakashi meski msh kecil udah dilibatkan dlm misi level S bersama minato sbg ketuanya dan ayah chouji+ayah shino sbg anggotanya.....^^

jiraiya disini jg ditunjukkan utk pertama kalinya menguasai rasengan dan ternyata udah jelas klu jiraiya belajar dari muridnya sendiri. bahkan jiraiya bs gunakan rasengan ini senengnya minta ampun, sampai2 dipamerin kpd minato sambil berkata "jurus yg kauciptkana selama 3 tahun itu sdh ku kuasai" dg wajah culunnya itu. hebat benar minato n cool lagi klu dibandingkan naruto sih....hehehe
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Uchiha Sato
Senso Sasuke no Kami
Senso Sasuke no Kami
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#6PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty23/4/2011, 7:03 am

hehe....naruto kn anaknya minato dngan kushina, sifat naruto mengikuti ibunya yang meledak-ledak,
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Ray D'Namikaze
Tokubetsu Jounin
Tokubetsu Jounin
Ray D'Namikaze

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#7PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty23/4/2011, 7:10 am

wow ada namikaze minato ?!?
ane mo izin nyedot ke TKP'na y juragan.. Very Happy
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Jounin Elite
Jounin Elite

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#8PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty30/4/2011, 3:13 pm

akhirnya bisa juga download full...naruto bisa mengenali wajah yondaime tapi kenapa dia tdk mengenali wajah ayahnya chouji dan shino?...
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#9PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty30/4/2011, 6:01 pm

yups, seharusnya naruto bs tahu klu itu ayah shino dan chouji,
yah mungkin terlalu fokus ma diri minato, makanya naruto tdk terlalu perhatikan orang2 yg disekitarnya....^^

oya nih udah ada videonya yg kualitas dah oke n dija,in puas krn bukan CAM lagi gtu,
tapi ya gtu ukurannya gede banget (1 CD). kalau minat nih ada 2 alternatif:

1. Videonya dipecah jadi 4 bagian:

2. videonya yg udah dijadikan satu file:

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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#10PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty4/5/2011, 2:18 pm

update terbaru utk Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower,
kualitas video udah oke + Subtitle udah B.INDONESIA + paket hemat 185 MB.
Check it out aja:
Alternatif jalurcepat.Com
Alternatif Mediafire
Alternatif => Untuk maknyos signup dulu ya, paypalnya dikosongin aja

Pilih salah satu sesuai selera kalian..... Very Happy
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Posting : 259
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#11PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty1/6/2011, 11:19 pm

saya sedikit kecewa dengan film ini, karena tidak begitu bnyk menguak tentang jutsu namikaze minato -,- ...

oia kk ada yg punya link donlod shipuden the movie 3 ga ? yg subtittle bhsa indonesia tp nya..
makasii :)
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#12PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty2/6/2011, 8:09 am

naruto the movie 3?
klau msh minat silahkan masuk sini
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#13PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty3/6/2011, 1:45 pm

makasi kk..
tp itu kayanya d mediafire nya udah d remove deh

Terakhir diubah oleh kokorokotomo tanggal 3/6/2011, 4:54 pm, total 1 kali diubah
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#14PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty3/6/2011, 1:55 pm

aduh kk yg itu file nya udh d remove d mediafire nya -,-
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Uchiha Sora
Kelas S
Kelas S
Uchiha Sora

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#15PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty3/6/2011, 2:50 pm

kokorokotomo wrote:
makasi kk..

maaf postingan anda .. kurang dari 6 kata
nanti kena hukuman dari momod /admin
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#16PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty3/6/2011, 6:13 pm

kokorokotomo wrote:
makasi kk..
tp itu kayanya d mediafire nya udah d remove deh
kokorokotomo wrote:
aduh kk yg itu file nya udh d remove d mediafire nya -,-
Sebaiknya jgn membuat 2 postingan berurutan yg makna kalimatnya sama...
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#17PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty5/6/2011, 2:43 pm

Di 'Shippuuden Movie 4 Lost Tower' ini diperlihatkan jutsu keren Taikyoku Rasengan..
Jutsu yg tercipta dr 2 kombinasi chakra beraliran sama yg saling beresonansi.
Minato mengatakan, Taikyoku Rasengan adalah jutsu Rasengan terkuat yg pernah ada.
Kira" apakah Naruto bisa menggunakan/mengembangkan jutsu tsb dg hanya menggunakan aliran chakra dr dlm dirinya saja ya..?
Jika bisa, pasti jd salah 1 koleksi jutsu Naruto yg luar biasa & mematikan selain Bijuu Bomb.
Apalagi jika mampu dikembangkannya sendiri menggunakan Sage Mode/Mode Bijuu.
He.. he.. ngarep: mode on
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Tokubetsu Jounin
Tokubetsu Jounin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#18PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty8/6/2011, 3:53 pm

Sy udah coba lihat...
Ukuran Size nya gede2 yg ada yg lebih hemat lagi....
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#19PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty8/6/2011, 5:13 pm

hmm...msh mencari versi hemat ya?
maen aja ke tempatku, tuh laptop ane msh menyimpan filex ukrn 185 MB.
gratis kok gak perlu bayar...hehehe Very Happy

ini ada 6 alternatif kalau mau download, coba aja satu persatu.
langsung masuk sini

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Uchiha Sora
Kelas S
Kelas S
Uchiha Sora

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#20PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty9/6/2011, 1:50 pm

betul naruto .. juga masih ragu itu
wajah minato?
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Kazekage Gaara
Nanadaime Kazekage
Nanadaime Kazekage
Kazekage Gaara

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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#21PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty9/6/2011, 4:40 pm

dan yg lucu...... nys lagi
.....tuh yamato jitak(mukul) kakashi masih kecil haahhhaa....
mungkin yamato kesel dan baru mukul kakashi kaya nya.......
yah...kakashi kecil juga ga tau yamato.... :narutoIOI: :gaara:
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Chuunin Senior
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#22PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty12/6/2011, 5:59 pm

Mengapa ya bisa terjadi perpindahan waktu pada film ke empat ini? kalau minato saja bisa tahu bahwa naruto mengalami perpindahan waktu, apa bisa ya minato menggunakan jurusnya untuk pindah dimensi ke jamannya naruto sekarang (saat kepemimpinan godaime hokage) terus memanipulasi kematian. ah ribet...
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Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin
Ryuujin Senkou no Sennin

Posting : 3558
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#23PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty14/6/2011, 11:09 am

wah..susah juga ya,
ni movie memang tdk ada sangkut pautnya dlm chapter or animenya.
jd musthala peritiwa sperti itu akan terjadi, bs2 malah nanti jiraiya n keg2 sbelonya ikut2an PDN ini dong....^^
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#24PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty14/6/2011, 11:24 am

o, iya. Film 4 nya ada ndak yang bisa bantu sup titel nya bahasa indonesia, soalnya film nya waktu diputar ndak ada artinya, aku cuma taunya waktu orangnya bilang naruto, lagian orangnya bicara apa ndak karuan. Ndak apa ya, yang suaranya dah jadi indonesia?

Terakhir diubah oleh Kawairiimi_3sannin tanggal 14/6/2011, 11:35 am, total 1 kali diubah
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#25PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty14/6/2011, 11:30 am

kak nega, itu bisa kak, nanti aku ajarin caranya biar peyon bisa hidup lagi, tapi nunggu akhir zaman.. Masalahnya aku ndak terlalu ngerti masalah kaya gitu
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Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty
#26PostSubyek: Re: Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Naruto Shippuuden The Movie 4 Lost Tower Empty

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