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Download Game Stronghold Legends [Full version] 143564713
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Download Game Stronghold Legends [Full version]

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Download Game Stronghold Legends [Full version] Empty
#1PostSubyek: Download Game Stronghold Legends [Full version] Download Game Stronghold Legends [Full version] Empty14/3/2013, 10:38 pm

Download Game Stronghold Legends [Full version] Stronghold%2Blegend

Unlike the previous Stronghold titles, Legends gives
the player a choice of different starting rulers with different troop
types (including King Arthur and his knights of the round table, Count
Vlad Dracul, and Siegfried of Xanten). Other new features include
cooperative multiplayer against computer-controlled opponents and the
choice between different gameplay options for online play (Deathmatch,
King of the Hill, Economic War, and Capture the Flag).

faction has new unit groups unique to each faction. Most special units
have their own unique ability, which must be recharged after they are
used. Dragons are also available to every faction, but have a set
lifetime. All other special units remain on the map until they die. In
story mode the players not necessarily bound to their factions special
units. For example, King Arthur can make use of the Ice Tower instead of
the Round Table for more balanced game play.

Stronghold Legends has been made using a similar graphics engine as Stronghold 2 -
the game appeared to be a minor rehash of the previous game on the
first inspection. However, playing it revealed that the graphics were
considerably improved and new music tracks had been added. More units
were available; features like crime were removed entirely, minor changes
like this have altered the gameplay experience slightly. It was
included in the Mastertronic range of games in the UK, showing its

Windows 2000/XP
1.6GHz Processor
CD-ROM Drive
64MB nVidia GeForce 3 or ATi Radeon 8500 class Video Card
2.5GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 9.0c
2GHz Processor
128MB DirectX compatible Video Card with Pixel and Vertex Shaders
DirectX compatible Sound Card
CD-ROM Drive
2.5GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 9.0c

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