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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito

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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#1PostSubyek: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty26/10/2012, 12:19 pm

Ok, yang mau komen silahkan, kasi rep+, nanya, juga boleh
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#3PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty27/10/2012, 11:49 am

Ane nanya, cerita ini kapan tamatnya oka Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 3720022674
Btw.. Udah berapa chapter nih ?
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#4PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty27/10/2012, 12:02 pm

@Hikaru:ane mati? kapan ya? tanya pada rumput yang bergangnam -_-

@Hito:kapan? ane juga gak tahu -_- chp? berapa ya? hayo berapa

Cerita udah ane update silahkan di komen klik me
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
Join date : 12.12.11
Age : 26
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#6PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty31/10/2012, 9:24 pm

Karena cerita ane koplak :P puas?
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#7PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty5/11/2012, 2:36 pm

Cerita udh d-update lg ^^ silahkan dibaca dan tolong komen klick ane
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#8PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty5/11/2012, 2:50 pm

Seperti biasa cerita ente mengibur ane nak oka, apalagi pas kalimat naruto dipanggil yang maha kuasa Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 3720022674
Lanjutkan ceritamu, tetaplah jadi orang koplak dengan cerita koplak yang menghibur orang orang koplak kaya ane Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 3720022674 ramen melayang :3
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#9PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty5/11/2012, 2:56 pm

Terimakasih bang HITO ^^ Ane lanjutin Very Happy
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Weda Uchiha
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Weda Uchiha

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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#10PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty5/11/2012, 3:43 pm

mana lanjutanNya ka???
ane tungguu
sebelumnya Rep+ Ramen +1

lucu dechhh.. banyakin dikit plesetanNya tapi tetap teratur hehe
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#11PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty5/11/2012, 8:14 pm

mau lanjutannya? ok, nanti Weda ^^
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Jyuunidaime Mizukage
Jyuunidaime Mizukage

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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#12PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 4:16 am

cerita rada-rada koplak mirip kayak novel game is over... hohoho lanjutkan...
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
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Age : 26
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#13PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 12:34 pm

Cerita ane dah update ^^ maaf pendek, nanti tak update lagi kok ^^ penasaran? klik
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#14PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 1:04 pm

Walau pendek, tapi greget :3
Ane protes yg pandang pandangan antara 5 orang di tkp, bikin ane pusing -.-
Tapi sudahlah, tak sambit pake ramen chapter terbarunya~
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#15PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 1:08 pm

baca komen bang sambil minum, ampir keselek -,-
Greget? XD maksudnya?
Pusing? namanya aja koplak :p
Dan trim's ^^
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#16PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 1:11 pm

ente mikirnya ngeres ya Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 3720022674
Maksud ane biar chapternya pendek inti cerita ama komedinya dapet :3
Ah asem ente, tapi good job :p
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
Join date : 12.12.11
Age : 26
Lokasi : konohagakure

Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#17PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 1:21 pm

Hehehe.. ane bukan asem, ane koplak :P
OOT bentar:
kok gg pernah RP-an?
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#18PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 1:27 pm

Haha ok ok koplak :p
Jawabannya simple, karena ane ganteng Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 3720022674
Ane lagi ga mood aja ka.. Dan lagi, ane ga ada pengalaman sih mau ikutan lagi juga~
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Sora Aoi
Jyuushodaime Raikage
Jyuushodaime Raikage
Sora Aoi

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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#19PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 3:47 pm

Wah ada yg berbau gimana gitu ...
Tsunade lagi dugem ...
Gawat juga ente ...
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Weda Uchiha
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Weda Uchiha

Posting : 1971
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#20PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 6:08 pm

kirain pemandangan apa>...oTL Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 1843631511

saling menatap itu harus ada gambaranNya biar greget.....he

tapi manteP nihh...
jujur ketawa ane

ramen melayang Ramen +1

ditunggu kelanjutanNya oka
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
Join date : 12.12.11
Age : 26
Lokasi : konohagakure

Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#21PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 9:04 pm

Janji tetaplah janji....
Cerita di update, silahkan dbaca ^^ bersiap ketawa *ngarep sekali...

klik me
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Weda Uchiha
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Weda Uchiha

Posting : 1971
Join date : 19.07.12
Age : 33
Lokasi : Gorontalo, Telaga , PErumahan Griya Altira blok C no. 3

Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#22PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 10:00 pm


, percakapn naruto, sakura dan shikamaru sumpah ane ketawa ka..

ketagihan ee

nunggu selanjutnya
nant ane kase Rep dehhhh
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#23PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty6/11/2012, 10:12 pm

Wakaka serasa baca gintama, asli ngakak Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito 3720022674
Kuharap jangan sampai cerita ini berhenti di chapter 25, karena cerita komedi lebih menguras daya pikir authornya lho :p
Ramen tak lupa~
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
Join date : 12.12.11
Age : 26
Lokasi : konohagakure

Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#24PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty7/11/2012, 12:45 pm

@Weda:percakapan yang mana? :p

@Hito: semoga aja Hito ^^ karena aku buat cerita itu mengalir aja, gg isi rencana2an -_-
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Weda Uchiha
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Daimyou JinchuRaigo
Weda Uchiha

Posting : 1971
Join date : 19.07.12
Age : 33
Lokasi : Gorontalo, Telaga , PErumahan Griya Altira blok C no. 3

Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#25PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty7/11/2012, 2:39 pm

Naruto cs sampai di TKP.
"7 Anbu ini mati menggenaskan... punggung mereka bolong like..." kata Naruto.
"... Sundel bolong." kata Shikamaru melanjutkan kalimat Naruto.
"Hiiy... takut." kata Sakura.
"Aku juga, aku mintak peluk dong Sakura :3." kata Naruto.
PLAK Jitakan bersarang di kepala Naruto -_-.
"Mereka terkena serangan dari jutsu tingkat tinggi..." kata Shikamaru yang sudah berjongkok melihat mayat seorang Anbu.
"Lihat... darah mereka bermuncratan kemana-mana, jika terkena serangan biasa, tak mungkin kan? dan mereka mati baru saja, itu karena tubuh mereka masih hangat.. mungkin sekitar 1 jam lalu." kata Shikamaru.
"Wow... Analisis hebat." kata Sakura.

"Kira-kira siapa ya?." kata Naruto.
"AHA, mungkin dia buronan! karena biasanya buronan mencari uang kan? dan desa kita kaya... jadi dia masuk kesana deh buat merampok :3."
"Itu analisis payah -_-, tak mungkin juga, baru masuk Konoha udah di bunuh oleh penjaga..." kata Sakura.

ama yang ini

"Siapapun dia, dia sangat hebat... dia bisa membunuh 7 Anbu kita... dan dia terus berjalan menyusuri jalan setapak ini, LIHAT!."kata Shikamaru sambil menunjuk jejak kaki.
"Wah, hebat! tak seperti dia..." kata Sakura sambil menunjuk Naruto dengan bibirnya.

Naruto cs menyusuri jejak kaki itu dan tiba-tiba... JEJAK KAKI ITU HILANG!.
JEJAK KAKI ITU HILANG *sengaja di diulang, menambah kesan dramatis XD.
"Gimana karang?." kata Sakura.

yang berwarna merah pertama : itu klimaksnya ane ketawa,, sikamaru pake bilang Trims segala

yang warna merah kedua : kalo dibayangin sakura, melakukan kayak gtu.. ke naruto seolah mengjek naruto.. ketawa sendiri bayanginnya

ente penuh imajinasi ka........
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Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty
#26PostSubyek: Re: Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Komen cerita The Adventure of Naruto by Chicharito Empty

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