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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja)

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Uchiha Joan
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Uchiha Joan

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#1PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 8:06 pm

haduh khan masukin ane donk ke cerita mu oke
Very Happy
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木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#2PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 8:12 pm

Seep oke senpai... Ane masukin.. Mumpung blum ada chapter nya... Tggu chapter 1...
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Uchiha Q. Cancer
Railfans DV From FAN
Railfans DV From FAN
Uchiha Q. Cancer

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#3PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 8:19 pm

Masukin Saya Juga Dong Dalam Ceritamu Ini Dan Saya Ingin Ada Di Sepanjang Cerita ya...

Terakhir diubah oleh Sun Lawliet* tanggal 12/3/2012, 8:46 pm, total 1 kali diubah
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Uchiha Shun
Kazekage no Chi Kami
Kazekage no Chi Kami
Uchiha Shun

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#4PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 8:21 pm

masukin saya juga ya Khan ke ceritamu
dan jangan berhenti di tengah jalan ya ceritanya
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木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

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#5PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 8:26 pm

Oke senpai2. Saya akn brsha ngelanjutin nie cerita.. Tpi sbaaarrrr soalnya q OL pke Hp.. Mgkin bsok siang sya bru OL pke PC..
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Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#6PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 10:16 pm

Masukin saya ke ceritamu ya?
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Uchiha Joan
Dark Of Sannin
Dark Of Sannin
Uchiha Joan

Posting : 1215
Join date : 31.01.12
Age : 25
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#7PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty12/3/2012, 10:29 pm

Wew Ane uchiha
Oke yang pro lah buat ane oke
kayak uchiha madara
Rep + buat ente khan
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木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#8PostSubyek: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty13/3/2012, 1:33 pm

Tread ini untuk mengomentar cerita 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) ... Tolong kritik dan saran..nya ya senpai....

Terakhir diubah oleh N.A.M.I.K.A.Z.E tanggal 17/7/2012, 5:54 am, total 4 kali diubah
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Uchiha Joan
Dark Of Sannin
Dark Of Sannin
Uchiha Joan

Posting : 1215
Join date : 31.01.12
Age : 25
Lokasi : Markas Akatsuki

Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#9PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty13/3/2012, 5:41 pm

Waw jin kayaknya karakter sasuke ya? Very Happy
Cool juga ya Very Happy
Nih ramen nya Khan
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#10PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty20/3/2012, 5:18 am

Pengenalan tokoh.... "THE SECRET OF NINJA"
Aq ==> Namikaze khan
Rey_kusanagi ==> kEizuke Jin
Sun lawliet ==> Nara-sun...
Siryu andri ==> tsubasa-yu
naruoka uzumaki (chicarito) ==> sensei naruoka
☆ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ★ⓃⓄⓉⒺ☆ⓇⓎⓊ★ ==> sensey X
Ryuki ==> ryuki kenshin..
№⅞ Rº ==> Lady shizu (ibu namikaze)
dichy fujiwara==> dichy
kazuka===> Kazukamori
dan masih bnyak lagi..

>Namikaze khan
Kocak... Hebat dlm menguasai jurus.. Tidak sabaran
>Keizuke Jin
Hebat... Keren. Misterius..
Hebat.. Kocak... Tmn dkt tsubasa-yu
Kocak... Humoris.. Suka gaje (ga jelas)
Hebat.. Cekatan.. Masih misterius
Dia sebagai guru pendamping tim 3
>Sensei X
Dia hebat... Tidak egois.. Namun dia renta terkena serangan dia guru pendamping tim 4
>Ryuki kenshin..
seorang batosai... Masih misterius..
>Lady shizu
Sabar... Lemah lembut.. Dan penyayang..
masih misterius...
masih misterius.. (belum keluar)
Dan mungkin masih banyak yg akan menyusul....

Terakhir diubah oleh ~Ace0fredspades~ tanggal 10/4/2012, 3:35 pm, total 1 kali diubah
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dichy fujiwara
Nukenin From Konohagakure
Nukenin From Konohagakure
dichy fujiwara

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#11PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty20/3/2012, 10:17 pm

masukan aku di critamu.sbagai dichy.jgn nama lain.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

Posting : 735
Join date : 09.03.12
Age : 28
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#12PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty21/3/2012, 12:14 pm

@dichy fujiwara seep... nunggu ya...
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Uchiha Q. Cancer
Railfans DV From FAN
Railfans DV From FAN
Uchiha Q. Cancer

Posting : 837
Join date : 18.12.11
Age : 24
Lokasi : Kirigakure No Sato

Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#13PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty21/3/2012, 8:48 pm

Wah ane jadi kaya shikamaru punya jurus pengikat bayangan...tapi sayang ane gak pandai membuat strategi...
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

Posting : 735
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Age : 28
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#14PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty22/3/2012, 4:44 am

Hehehe.. Tenang aja.. Semua karakter masih menyimpan kemampuan misterius.. Termasuk Nara-sun.. Dia karakter yg cukup penting dlm cerita ini...
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dichy fujiwara
Nukenin From Konohagakure
Nukenin From Konohagakure
dichy fujiwara

Posting : 477
Join date : 05.11.11
Age : 28
Lokasi : MADURA

Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#15PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty22/3/2012, 5:37 pm

wew,aku skarang sudah hadir.
Pertnxaan dariku.
Bukankah mreka genin?
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Uzumaki Fukuoka
Koplakers from FAN
Koplakers from FAN

Posting : 2468
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Age : 26
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#16PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty27/3/2012, 8:49 pm

Critamu bagus banget Spades...
Dan humornya,,,, melebihi humor di ceritaku yang dulu
nih rep+ buat penyemangat nulis

Keep it up
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Uchiha Q. Cancer
Railfans DV From FAN
Railfans DV From FAN
Uchiha Q. Cancer

Posting : 837
Join date : 18.12.11
Age : 24
Lokasi : Kirigakure No Sato

Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#17PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty27/3/2012, 8:53 pm

Wah Sampe Lupa...
NIh Rep+ Buat Kau Spades
Ceritamu Bagus...
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

Posting : 735
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Age : 28
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#18PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty27/3/2012, 9:06 pm

Terima kasih banyak.. Buat reviewnya.. Senpai2 hehe.. Terlebih bwat plus2nya....
Jdi tambah semangat..
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Tokugawa Ieyasu
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#19PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty29/3/2012, 4:39 pm

Tapi lumayan .. jadi hiburan sesaat.>

maaf kalau commentnya salah
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

Posting : 735
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Age : 28
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#20PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty29/3/2012, 4:56 pm

Chapter XI sudah muncul..
Shinobi misterius....
Di cerita ini terdapat kekocakan seperti biasa..
Dan uncul seorang shinobi yg masih misterius.. Siapakah dia.. Dan apa yg akan terjadi selanjutnya.. Tunggu chapter berikutnya..
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Tokugawa Ieyasu
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#21PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty2/4/2012, 5:47 pm

Boleh aku dimasukin keceritanya..??
menarik untuk dibaca ,, sayang belum bisa rep+ jadinya hanya sebatas melalui commentar..

KEep smile.
terus berkarya
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木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

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Age : 28
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#22PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty2/4/2012, 9:26 pm

thanks dah mampir Kazukamori-kun.. Ya tunggu saja... Karakterkamu pasti muncul dah.. Info dan comment di Sini.. Hehehe..
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Tokugawa Ieyasu
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Age : 27
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#23PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty2/4/2012, 9:53 pm

semangat tetap berkarya senpaii!! :))
jgn lupa request saya ya?? hehehe..
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Tokugawa Ieyasu
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Age : 27
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#24PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty3/4/2012, 9:50 am

waduh gawat nih//
khayalan tingkat tinggi ternyata (murid akademi sudah bisa EMS dan susano'o
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi
木の葉の青鷲騎士 - Konoha no Seiju Kishi

Posting : 735
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Age : 28
Lokasi : your heart

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#25PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty3/4/2012, 11:20 am

Yupz.. Karna di cerita ini.. Menggambarkan konoha dimasa lbh dr 100 th dr kehidupan naruto.. Dan mereka.. Berdua juga keturunan dewa.. Lagian ini juga ada tambahannya.. Yaitu dunia samurai
Coba Baca awal cerita..
Dan Buat karakter kmu .... tunggu ya!!
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Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty
#26PostSubyek: Re: Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Komentar story 秘密の忍者 (the Secret of ninja) Empty

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