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Death Note (All About Death Note) 143564713
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Death Note (All About Death Note) 143564713
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Death Note (All About Death Note)

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Jyuukyuudaime Hokage
Jyuukyuudaime Hokage

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Death Note (All About Death Note) Empty
#2PostSubyek: Re: Death Note (All About Death Note) Death Note (All About Death Note) Empty11/1/2013, 9:24 am

Kakak Hika, sepertinya trit tentang Death Note sudah ada deh!
Di share aja ke sana^^

Nih tritnya, kak

Maaf klo aku ngatur2, kak^^
Biar ga terpencar aja pembahasannya....
Terima kasih...

Btw, link downloadnya bisa buat hape kan kak?
Coz aku ga punya komputer^^
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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message
Jyuukyuudaime Hokage
Jyuukyuudaime Hokage

Posting : 606
Join date : 05.04.12
Age : 25
Lokasi : Konohagakure

Death Note (All About Death Note) Empty
#4PostSubyek: Re: Death Note (All About Death Note) Death Note (All About Death Note) Empty11/1/2013, 9:42 am

Memang tidak ada sih, kak ^^a
Tapi kan disana membahas tentang Death Note.
Mau bahas animenya kek, filmnya kek, pernak perniknya kek, link downloadnya kek, ya segala hal tentang DEath Note.

Biar rapih.
Jangan takut apa yg kakak share jd ga guna.
Yg bermanfaat disini pasti dihargai dan dihormati oleh yg lain.
Ya, walaupun beda ts.
Tapi kan yg terkenal kan bukan ts nya tapi siapa yg menshare yg bermanfaat itu^^
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Death Note (All About Death Note) Empty
#5PostSubyek: Re: Death Note (All About Death Note) Death Note (All About Death Note) Empty

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