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diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504

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Naruto Qyubizage
Jinchuuriki of Oodama Kyubisage
Jinchuuriki of Oodama Kyubisage
Naruto Qyubizage

Posting : 852
Join date : 02.09.09
Age : 37
Lokasi : Kirigakure

diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 Empty
#1PostSubyek: diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 Empty21/7/2010, 8:28 pm

503: Minato’s Shiki Fuujin!!
Madara is hit by Minato’s
Rasengan. Minato uses
this oppertunity to put
the Hiraishin mark on
Madara ’s body. Madara’s
left hand is injured.
Madara leaves, but using
the marking, Minato
immediately stabs him
with a kunai. Minato
places a contract seal on
Madara. With this
contract seal, Madara
cannot call on the Nine-
Tails any more.
The Sharingan patterns in
the Nine-Tails ’ eyes
IrukaMama is wounded
and protecting Iruka.
IrukaPapa: “run away.”
Iruka: “I have to stay with
mummy and daddy~~~”
Konoha is being
destroyed. The Nine-Tails
goes outside of Konoha.
First the Sandaime, then
everyone else attacks.
Madara says “Somehow
the Nine-Tails will be
mine, ” while teleporting
Iruka is taken away by an
unknown jounin.
KurenaiPapa persuades
Kurenai, Kakashi, and Guy
with the same things the
Nidaime said to Danzou
and Hiruzen.
The Nine-Tails spits out a
Cero, but Minato
summons Gamabunta.
Minato talks about how
Kushina can supressing
the Nine-Tails, if only for
a little while, and uses his
space-time ninjutsu to
move far away.
The place he jumped to is
where Naruto and
Kushina are.
Minato: “I’m starting to
run out of chakra.”
Kushina: “I’ll lay down my
life to capture the Nine-
Tails with my chains. ”
Naruto cries.
Kushina resolves herself.
“ I’ll drag the Nine-Tails
with me into death.”
Minato confesses his
Kushina confesses her
Minato cries.
Minato ’s resolve is
different from Kushina’s.
He uses her chakra to
create a Hakke Fuuin, so
she can meet Naruto
again. He ’s going to use
Shiki Fuujin on the Nine-
Kushina is stopped.
Minato will seal only half
of the Nine-Tails inside of
himself and will seal the
other half inside Naruto
with the Hakke Fuuin.
This child will open up the
future. After all, he is our
He makes the hand seals.
Shiki Fuujin!!
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Yahiko sennin
Yahiko sennin

Posting : 23
Join date : 16.07.10
Age : 31
Lokasi : Konoha

diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 Empty
#2PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 Empty21/7/2010, 9:10 pm

Bsa di translate k bhs. Indnesia ga..
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Rokudaime Kazekage
Rokudaime Kazekage

Posting : 374
Join date : 19.07.10
Age : 30
Lokasi : Suna Gakure

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#3PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 Empty21/7/2010, 9:36 pm

tolong di translate dong naruto-sama
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#4PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 diskusi naruto chapter 503 n prediksi naruto chapter 504 Empty

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