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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600

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Jyuunidaime Mizukage
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#201PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 1:11 pm

MK = Masashi Kishimoto a.k.a Pengarang Naruto.

Mizu@ Pas keluar chapter 600 bru bsa d jwab (itupun kalau d jelasin)
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bocah konoha
Jounin Senior
Jounin Senior
bocah konoha

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#202PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 1:36 pm

untuk masalah pahatan patung hokage 4 mungkin sudah di persiapakan untuk mjdi hokage karena hokage ke 3 sudah merasa terlalu tua untuk mengurusi konoha dan melihat minato berpotensi untuk jadi hokage... atau juga cuma gambaran obito yg membayangkan minato mjdi hokage ke 4 dan obito adalah gambar hokage ke 5... untuk chapther depan mungkin masih akan banyak dialog dr pada figth nya.... tapi di sini terlihat klo pertarungan tobi/obito vs naruto cs baru dimulai terlihat dr obito dan tobi yg terlihat tidak mengalami luka terlalu parah setelah menerima serangan rasengan telak di wajahnya,,,, hal ini cukup memperlihatkan kekuatan tobi/obito......
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Jounin Elite
Jounin Elite

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#203PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 2:08 pm

gan banyak yang bilang tobi bukan obito yang sebenarnya..nih salah satu bukti...perkataannya cukup masuk akal...namun english

I don't think he's the real OBITO. There is no way Obito could turn into an alpha dog.
shinobi who mastered S/T phasing and.
teleportation within a 1-2 year time frame. At 15
years old? No way... There is also no way Obito would know how to extract the Kyuubi, hypnotize.
it, control it like a puppet, and then summon it.
wherever the hell he wants to. And all of this is.
supposed to have happened 1-2 years after Obito.
supposedly died? That’s just not feasible.

Plothole Number 2: Personality U-turn (chapter 241.
page 19).
"Of course those in the ninja world who break the.
rules and regulations are called trash... but those
who don’t care about their companions are even.
worse than trash." Will of Fire talk from Obito. It makes no sense for.
him to suddenly manifest this unwavering.
vendetta against Konoha unless Tobi is just using.
Obito’s body as a vessel, in which case, Tobi isn’t.
really Obito anyway because his soul and spirit.
have nothing to do with it.

Plothole Number 3: Kushina Quote (chapter 501.
page 7).
"Do you have ANY idea how long I’ve waited for.
this moment?" It’s a complete contradiction for.
Obito to say something like that when,
hypothetically, he wouldn’t have been alive long enough to make that type of comment because.
Obito would have been 15 years old if he fought.
Minato. Tobi has probably had to wait DECADES for.
the opportunity to extract the Kyuubi from its host.

Plothole Number 4: Kyuubi recognized Tobi.
(chapter 501 page 8 ).
The Kyuubi actually recognizes Tobi and possibly.
knows who he is. If THAT doesn’t convince you,
nothing will. The Kyuubi made a direct transfer.
from being sealed into Mito to being sealed into Kushina, so there is a fundamental contradiction for.
the Kyuubi to recognize anyone in the outside.
world when it was sealed for all that time. If the
Kyuubi actually recognized Tobi, it means Tobi has.
to be someone who was alive during Hashirama/.
Madara’s generation.

Plothole Number 5: Tobi is too tall (chapter 503.
page 9).
Tobi was shown to be adult sized when he fought.
Minato, chapter 503 page 5. But on page 9, Kakashi,
Gai, Asuma and Kurenai are all shown to be much.
shorter as they are going through adolescence. Obito would have been around that size and is.
therefore too short to be Tobi.

Plothole Number 6: Minato would’ve figured it out.
(chapter 500-504).
If Tobi was really Obito, then Minato would have.
figured it out when they were fighting each other.
Obito was Minato’s own student and would have.
recognized his chakra, but he didn’t.

Plothole Number 7: This is HIS doing (chapter 560.
page 2).
"This is HIS doing." That means Madara knows.
exactly who Tobi is, but there is no way Madara.
could have worked with Obito because Madara.
had died already. We know this because by the time Nagato gets Madara's Rinnegan from Tobi,
Madara is officially dead - "I awakened these eyes.
shortly before my death." (chapter 560 page 15).
This is important because Nagato is older than.
Minato, and Minato is older than Obito.

Plothole Number 8: Hashirama Comparison (chapter.
462 page 14).
Tobi says to Naruto "I can see the first Hokage in.
you." To make that type of comparison Tobi must.
have known what Hashirama was like as a person.
Problem is, Hashirama was dead before Obito was born.

Plothole Number 9: During Our Battle (chapter 512.
page 9).
"This is something I grew from living tissue I stole.
from him during our battle." Kabuto already.
revealed the Madara coffin so there was no reason.
for Tobi to keep lying. So if Tobi actually had a fight with Hashirama there is no way he could be Obito.

Plothole Number 10: Too Much Knowledge.
It is impossible for Obito to know so much about.
the bloody history between the Senju clan and the.
Uchiha clan before Konoha was even established.
as a shinobi village. Tobi has to be someone from.
that generation. It is also impossible for Obito to know so much about Rikudou Sennin, his sons, the.
Bijuu and the Juubi.

THE BIGGEST PLOTHOLE OF THEM ALL. Plothole Number 11: Nagato is much older than.
Why is this important? Because Tobi GAVE Nagato.
the Rinnegan. In other words, it is impossible for.
Obito to have given kid Nagato the Rinnegan.
because Obito is much younger than Nagato.
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Warga Biasa
Warga Biasa

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#204PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 2:28 pm

Permisi kk2, org baru numpang join..

Menurut saya, chapter ini chapter yg bagus, terlihat masa lalu obito yg selalu gagal dlm apapun.
dan soal tobi = obito, menurut saya MK harus menunjukkan karakter yang diketahui kakashi, guy & naruto.. itulah obito.. kalau mereka udah bersusah payah menghancurkan topeng tobi dan ternyata muncul muka yang mereka gak kenal (izuna atau siapa gitu) jd percuma aja dong topeng udah ancur/blm.. soal jiwa yg didalamnya, masih misteri deh.. hahaha
soal panjang rambut waktu ketemu itachi & lawan minato itu kejadian di naruto biasa, dan tobi baru show di naruto shippuden, dan banyak karakter yang berubah, dan menurut saya tobi juga ikut berubah penampilannya..
soal tinggi badan, gak tau deh hahaha.. atau jgn2 ada 2 tobi :o
yah itu cuma pendapat saya, kalo ada yg salah mohon dimaafkan..
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Zaky Rayadhi
Murid Akademi
Murid Akademi
Zaky Rayadhi

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#205PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 2:56 pm

ronie wrote:
gan banyak yang bilang tobi bukan obito yang sebenarnya..nih salah satu bukti...perkataannya cukup masuk akal...namun english

I don't think he's the real OBITO. There is no way Obito could turn into an alpha dog.
shinobi who mastered S/T phasing and.
teleportation within a 1-2 year time frame. At 15
years old? No way... There is also no way Obito would know how to extract the Kyuubi, hypnotize.
it, control it like a puppet, and then summon it.
wherever the hell he wants to. And all of this is.
supposed to have happened 1-2 years after Obito.
supposedly died? That’s just not feasible.

Plothole Number 2: Personality U-turn (chapter 241.
page 19).
"Of course those in the ninja world who break the.
rules and regulations are called trash... but those
who don’t care about their companions are even.
worse than trash." Will of Fire talk from Obito. It makes no sense for.
him to suddenly manifest this unwavering.
vendetta against Konoha unless Tobi is just using.
Obito’s body as a vessel, in which case, Tobi isn’t.
really Obito anyway because his soul and spirit.
have nothing to do with it.

Plothole Number 3: Kushina Quote (chapter 501.
page 7).
"Do you have ANY idea how long I’ve waited for.
this moment?" It’s a complete contradiction for.
Obito to say something like that when,
hypothetically, he wouldn’t have been alive long enough to make that type of comment because.
Obito would have been 15 years old if he fought.
Minato. Tobi has probably had to wait DECADES for.
the opportunity to extract the Kyuubi from its host.

Plothole Number 4: Kyuubi recognized Tobi.
(chapter 501 page 8 ).
The Kyuubi actually recognizes Tobi and possibly.
knows who he is. If THAT doesn’t convince you,
nothing will. The Kyuubi made a direct transfer.
from being sealed into Mito to being sealed into Kushina, so there is a fundamental contradiction for.
the Kyuubi to recognize anyone in the outside.
world when it was sealed for all that time. If the
Kyuubi actually recognized Tobi, it means Tobi has.
to be someone who was alive during Hashirama/.
Madara’s generation.

Plothole Number 5: Tobi is too tall (chapter 503.
page 9).
Tobi was shown to be adult sized when he fought.
Minato, chapter 503 page 5. But on page 9, Kakashi,
Gai, Asuma and Kurenai are all shown to be much.
shorter as they are going through adolescence. Obito would have been around that size and is.
therefore too short to be Tobi.

Plothole Number 6: Minato would’ve figured it out.
(chapter 500-504).
If Tobi was really Obito, then Minato would have.
figured it out when they were fighting each other.
Obito was Minato’s own student and would have.
recognized his chakra, but he didn’t.

Plothole Number 7: This is HIS doing (chapter 560.
page 2).
"This is HIS doing." That means Madara knows.
exactly who Tobi is, but there is no way Madara.
could have worked with Obito because Madara.
had died already. We know this because by the time Nagato gets Madara's Rinnegan from Tobi,
Madara is officially dead - "I awakened these eyes.
shortly before my death." (chapter 560 page 15).
This is important because Nagato is older than.
Minato, and Minato is older than Obito.

Plothole Number 8: Hashirama Comparison (chapter.
462 page 14).
Tobi says to Naruto "I can see the first Hokage in.
you." To make that type of comparison Tobi must.
have known what Hashirama was like as a person.
Problem is, Hashirama was dead before Obito was born.

Plothole Number 9: During Our Battle (chapter 512.
page 9).
"This is something I grew from living tissue I stole.
from him during our battle." Kabuto already.
revealed the Madara coffin so there was no reason.
for Tobi to keep lying. So if Tobi actually had a fight with Hashirama there is no way he could be Obito.

Plothole Number 10: Too Much Knowledge.
It is impossible for Obito to know so much about.
the bloody history between the Senju clan and the.
Uchiha clan before Konoha was even established.
as a shinobi village. Tobi has to be someone from.
that generation. It is also impossible for Obito to know so much about Rikudou Sennin, his sons, the.
Bijuu and the Juubi.

THE BIGGEST PLOTHOLE OF THEM ALL. Plothole Number 11: Nagato is much older than.
Why is this important? Because Tobi GAVE Nagato.
the Rinnegan. In other words, it is impossible for.
Obito to have given kid Nagato the Rinnegan.
because Obito is much younger than Nagato.

Saya setuju kk
tobi masih belum kita ketahui kebenarannya
kalau menurut saya, tobi mungkin adalah hasil dari Tensei no Jutsu seseorang
diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 3845867367 ini prediksi saya
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Jounin Elite
Jounin Elite

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#206PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 3:02 pm

itu ane ambil dari web apa tadi...lupa..haha
mw buat sumber nya..tapi webnya ga jelas...
so ga jadi..hehehe

itu hebat orangnya the point..semoga banyak yang baca dah!!! :P
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Ujian Chuunin
Ujian Chuunin

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#207PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 4:44 pm

chapter 599...akhir'a mengungkap siapa di balik topeng tobi...
tapi saya ko ga yakin ya klo itu bner2 obito...
apa mungkin ada orang yang...mngambil tubuh obito...????
klo emang ada...
lalu cpa orang itu???
jdi pusing saya....
saya mesti coba cari clue lgi dari chapter2 seblum'a...
cpa tau ada yg terlewat kn.
klo sempei2 smua... yakin ga klo itu obito??
trus ada ga sempei2 yg udah punya prediksi chapter 600..???
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Jounin Elite
Jounin Elite

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#208PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 4:48 pm

baca dulu donk dari awal thread diskusi nya..baru di komen...
kita semua banyak yang ga setuju...
pada post yang ane post di atas anda...sudah ada contoh bahwa adanya yang tidak setuju bahwa itu adalah obito..
di baca dolo semua baru lama koq...
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Sora Aoi
Jyuushodaime Raikage
Jyuushodaime Raikage
Sora Aoi

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#209PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 6:19 pm

ronie wrote:
gan banyak yang bilang tobi bukan obito yang sebenarnya..nih salah satu bukti...perkataannya cukup masuk akal...namun english

I don't think he's the real OBITO. There is no way Obito could turn into an alpha dog.
shinobi who mastered S/T phasing and.
teleportation within a 1-2 year time frame. At 15
years old? No way... There is also no way Obito would know how to extract the Kyuubi, hypnotize.
it, control it like a puppet, and then summon it.
wherever the hell he wants to. And all of this is.
supposed to have happened 1-2 years after Obito.
supposedly died? That’s just not feasible.

Plothole Number 2: Personality U-turn (chapter 241.
page 19).
"Of course those in the ninja world who break the.
rules and regulations are called trash... but those
who don’t care about their companions are even.
worse than trash." Will of Fire talk from Obito. It makes no sense for.
him to suddenly manifest this unwavering.
vendetta against Konoha unless Tobi is just using.
Obito’s body as a vessel, in which case, Tobi isn’t.
really Obito anyway because his soul and spirit.
have nothing to do with it.

Plothole Number 3: Kushina Quote (chapter 501.
page 7).
"Do you have ANY idea how long I’ve waited for.
this moment?" It’s a complete contradiction for.
Obito to say something like that when,
hypothetically, he wouldn’t have been alive long enough to make that type of comment because.
Obito would have been 15 years old if he fought.
Minato. Tobi has probably had to wait DECADES for.
the opportunity to extract the Kyuubi from its host.

Plothole Number 4: Kyuubi recognized Tobi.
(chapter 501 page 8 ).
The Kyuubi actually recognizes Tobi and possibly.
knows who he is. If THAT doesn’t convince you,
nothing will. The Kyuubi made a direct transfer.
from being sealed into Mito to being sealed into Kushina, so there is a fundamental contradiction for.
the Kyuubi to recognize anyone in the outside.
world when it was sealed for all that time. If the
Kyuubi actually recognized Tobi, it means Tobi has.
to be someone who was alive during Hashirama/.
Madara’s generation.

Plothole Number 5: Tobi is too tall (chapter 503.
page 9).
Tobi was shown to be adult sized when he fought.
Minato, chapter 503 page 5. But on page 9, Kakashi,
Gai, Asuma and Kurenai are all shown to be much.
shorter as they are going through adolescence. Obito would have been around that size and is.
therefore too short to be Tobi.

Plothole Number 6: Minato would’ve figured it out.
(chapter 500-504).
If Tobi was really Obito, then Minato would have.
figured it out when they were fighting each other.
Obito was Minato’s own student and would have.
recognized his chakra, but he didn’t.

Plothole Number 7: This is HIS doing (chapter 560.
page 2).
"This is HIS doing." That means Madara knows.
exactly who Tobi is, but there is no way Madara.
could have worked with Obito because Madara.
had died already. We know this because by the time Nagato gets Madara's Rinnegan from Tobi,
Madara is officially dead - "I awakened these eyes.
shortly before my death." (chapter 560 page 15).
This is important because Nagato is older than.
Minato, and Minato is older than Obito.

Plothole Number 8: Hashirama Comparison (chapter.
462 page 14).
Tobi says to Naruto "I can see the first Hokage in.
you." To make that type of comparison Tobi must.
have known what Hashirama was like as a person.
Problem is, Hashirama was dead before Obito was born.

Plothole Number 9: During Our Battle (chapter 512.
page 9).
"This is something I grew from living tissue I stole.
from him during our battle." Kabuto already.
revealed the Madara coffin so there was no reason.
for Tobi to keep lying. So if Tobi actually had a fight with Hashirama there is no way he could be Obito.

Plothole Number 10: Too Much Knowledge.
It is impossible for Obito to know so much about.
the bloody history between the Senju clan and the.
Uchiha clan before Konoha was even established.
as a shinobi village. Tobi has to be someone from.
that generation. It is also impossible for Obito to know so much about Rikudou Sennin, his sons, the.
Bijuu and the Juubi.

THE BIGGEST PLOTHOLE OF THEM ALL. Plothole Number 11: Nagato is much older than.
Why is this important? Because Tobi GAVE Nagato.
the Rinnegan. In other words, it is impossible for.
Obito to have given kid Nagato the Rinnegan.
because Obito is much younger than Nagato.

Bung Ronie bisa gak ni ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia ...
sebab bagi orang yg tidak tau bahasa inggris akan kerepotan membacanya (Salah satunya ane) ...
dan ini juga forum naruto indonesia makanya lebih baik ditulis juga bahasa indonesia ...
Sekian ...
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sarutobi sasuke
Murid Akademi
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#210PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 7:30 pm

banyak sekali hal ganjil tentang terungkapnya tobi, masih misteri siapa jati diri tobi sebenarnya, tapi ane yakin om.kishi punya jawabannya, ane yakin chapter depan bisa menjawab seluruh teka teki ini, thank's
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Jounin Elite
Jounin Elite

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#211PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 8:04 pm

Atsushi D. Sakazuki
sorry om ane capek mw ngetik..itu juga bukan tulisan ane..ane copast dari situs sebelah...
ada yang gampang mw nyari susah suruh ane translate..kan ada google translate...biar pun translate nya !!!*kata ini disensor oleh Admin*!!! yah ente pande2 lah artikan..bukannya ane ga bisa translate...kalo ane ga bisa..ngapain juga ane copast jika ane ga bisa translate n mengartikan...cuman ane capek mw ngetik lagi..hmm

prediksi masih sama dhe keq kemarin..ane optimis n komitmen... :P banyak flashback chapter depan hahaha.. Very Happy
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bocah konoha
Jounin Senior
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#212PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 8:29 pm

@senpai ronie...memang dari data2... diatas memang menunjukan ketidak mungkinan klo obito itu tobi.... mungkin kuncinya tetap di zetsu... karena sosok zetsu masih sangat misterius.... dan dr hasil pengamatan mungkin tobi sengaja menganti wajahnya dengn wajah obito untuk menyerang mental naruto cs... katena zetsu bisa meniru wajah dan cakra dr orang yg dia sentuh.. atau juga mungkin yg bertempur melawan minato dan memberi nagato rinnegan itu zetsu.. karena pasti zetsu mempunyai hubungan dengan madara.. dan masalah rambut bisa juga zetsu pernah menyentuh madar jadi bia bisa dengan mudah meniru tubuh madara....
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Shinobi Gatana - Kubikiribōchō
Shinobi Gatana - Kubikiribōchō

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#213PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 9:14 pm

Betul itu. Kuncinya kmungkinan ada di Zetsu. Lagipula wajahnya kyak mirip zetsu.
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Murid Akademi
Murid Akademi

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#214PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 9:28 pm

kuramazeki wrote:
Betul itu. Kuncinya kmungkinan ada di Zetsu. Lagipula wajahnya kyak mirip zetsu.

nggak juga ,mnurutku wajahnya lbih mirip seorang edo tensei atau paling tidak mirip kazekage ke4 (jangan jangan tobi adalah......?) hahahahahaha


saSULE-kun aka menghancurkan sundagakure
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#215PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 9:58 pm

bocah konoha wrote:
@senpai ronie...memang dari data2... diatas memang menunjukan ketidak mungkinan klo obito itu tobi.... mungkin kuncinya tetap di zetsu... karena sosok zetsu masih sangat misterius.... dan dr hasil pengamatan mungkin tobi sengaja menganti wajahnya dengn wajah obito untuk menyerang mental naruto cs... katena zetsu bisa meniru wajah dan cakra dr orang yg dia sentuh.. atau juga mungkin yg bertempur melawan minato dan memberi nagato rinnegan itu zetsu.. karena pasti zetsu mempunyai hubungan dengan madara.. dan masalah rambut bisa juga zetsu pernah menyentuh madar jadi bia bisa dengan mudah meniru tubuh madara....

Ya, sepertinya kunci ada di Zetsu, seperti saat dia menggantikan Kisame untuk mati di tangan Raikage dan Bee. Zetsu dengan mudahnya berubah wajah dan bentuk tubuh. Kemungkinan Tobi memiliki kekuatan itu.

Ada yang masih mengganjal di saya. Pada flashback 599 apakah itu hasil Genjutsu Tobi ke Kakashi dkk atau Ingatan Kakashi? atau cerita baru dari MK pada pembaca?

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#216PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty2/9/2012, 10:26 pm

@senpai crisna karena pada dasarnya zetsu adalah pengunmpul informasi yg akurat.. dan dari data informasi zetsu... mungkin dia hidup di jaman madara dan hokage 1....dan tidak menutup kemungkinan zetsu adalah sekutu madara atau orang kepercayaanya...
untuk flasback kemungkinan cm ingatan kakashi...... karena mk sengaja membawa pembaca ke arah alur klo tobi aobito... mungkin juga genjutsu supaya naruto,guy dan kakashi semakin terbawa bahwa tobi obito..
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#217PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 12:01 am

prediksi ane soal tobi tetap bahwa tobi itu obito... bukan zetsu.... karena waktu pertarungan melawan konan dan pekenalan dia dgn sasuke, mukanya sebelah kiri udah kyk gitu... jadi gak mungkin zetsu yang mempunyai keahlian dalam menjiplak wajah... yang jadi masalahnya adalah :
1. jika benar tobi=obito, siapa dan mengapa dia berubah prinsipnya yang sama dengan prinsip naruto..
2.jika memang tubuh obito di rasuki oleh jiwa orang lain, siapakah yang pantas merasukinya
3.tobi yang berambut panjang dan berambut pendek apakah satu karakter atau sebaliknya..

dari masalah itu aku bisa berasumsi bahwa tobi bisa siapa saja.....

ane bisa menjadikan beberapa tokoh yang merasuki tubuh obito :
1. uciha izuna; mempunyai misi yg sama dgn madara, hidup ketika madara mati tetapi kekuatannya tidak ada.
2. anak sulung rekudo sennin; antusias menjadi rekudo sepenuhnya untuk menyamai ayahnya dan menguasai dunia

untuk masalah siapa tobi berambut panjang dan pendek :
1. uciha madara; mengenal sosok nagato, artinya dia mati jauh setelah pertarungannya melawan hasirama, bertemu dengan mizukage 4, kisame dan itachi.
2. uciha izuna; karakter yang satu ini tidak akan di lupakan begitu saja, dia hidup setelah kematian madara, kemungkinan setelah madara bisa mengaktifkan rinnegan dan mencari tubuh yang bagus buat di jadikan wadah baru.

terakhir masalah tobi = obito jika benar :
1. pengaruh klan uciha yang ingin selalu perang dan menguasai
2. pengaruh madara dan membeberkan kebusukan dunia sinobi
3. pengaruh karena keadaan yang terjadi ketika PD 3 membuat banyak perubahan dan matinya seorang rin, kekasih tak sampai seoarang uciha obito....

yang jelas prediksi selanjutnya adalah naruto cs mempertanyakan latar belakang tobi itu sebenarnya.. tetapi tobi gak banyak berkomentar hanya mengatkana " tidak penting lagi siapa aku,kematian kalian akan semakin dekat" sambil menbekstrak jyubi.. dan pasukan bantuan segera datang..... sooooooooo misteri tobi masih tersangkut dgn terbukanya topeng itu saja.... masih panjang buat flasback siapa dia sebenarnya.. kira2 4 sampai 6 chapter lagilah mungkin setelah chapter sasuke cs......

sekali lagi tobi adalah tokoh yang sangat vital di manga naruto... bisa di bilang kartu trufnya MK di pasar anime.....


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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#218PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 12:31 am

member baru ijin nimbrung...

about chap.599 :
1. blunder pahatan yondaime (yang ini dah banyak yang bahas yah) dan perawakan kakashi 7-8 tahun = naruto 13-14 tahun
2. menurut saya, tobi bisa jadi lebih dari 1 orang terlepas apakah salah satunya si obito atau bukan.. alesannya? karena tobi ngasih rinegan ke nagato..

prediksi :
menurut saya duel dilanjutkan, soalan knapa tobi = obito mungkin dijelasin beberapa bulan lagi.... MK suka bikin fans naruto penasaran...
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#219PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 12:34 am


Untuk masalah rambut, rambut Tobi pas ketemu Itachi sebokong ya? Saya udah liat lagi chapter flashback itachi yang ketemu tobi, tapi ga dikasih liat kalo rambutnya sebokong tuh, emank lebih panjang dari biasanya, tapi saya ga berani bilang kalo panjangnya sebokong..
Tau dari mana senpai klo rambut Tobi pas ketemu Itachi sebokong? Cukup untuk masalah rambut Very Happy

Untuk masalah flashback, saya sendiri agak bingung, flashback itu apakah khusus dari MK untuk pembaca, atau flashback kakashi yang terlintas ketika melihat wajah Obito dibalik topeng Tobi, atau flashback Tobi itu sendiri??

Kalo flashback khusus dari MK buat pembaca? Hmm bisa laaah, apa sih yang ga bisa buat MK, secara dialah sang creator hehe..

Flashback kakashi tentang Obito? Menurut saya sih klo ini flashback kakashi harusnya ada beberapa scene ato semua scene ngasih liat dari sudut pandang kakashi, tapi kalo saya perhatikan flashback ini justru semuanya melihat dari sudut pandang Obito.. Saya coba membandingkan dengan flashback Nagato, semua scene terlihat dari sudut pandang Nagato.. Dan flashback ini seluruh scenenya dari sudut pandang Obito, Obito bertanding dalam ujian chunin pertandingan tim, Obito pada saat diobati rin, Obito pada saat dikalahkan Gai, Obito saat berlatih, dll..

Flashback Tobi? Kenapa Tobi flashback tentang Obito? Kenapa hayo? hehe Very Happy

Sekian dari saya senpai.. Komen dan koreksi kalo ada yang salah dari saya.. :)
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#220PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 7:19 am

saya juga belum pernah lihat tobi atau yg sekarang terbukti obito ituh rambutnya gondrong..... hehe
kalo boleh saya tahu, chapter brp yg menampilkan rambut tobi yg GONDRONG!!

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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#221PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 8:05 am

brandszone wrote:
saya juga belum pernah lihat tobi atau yg sekarang terbukti obito ituh rambutnya gondrong..... hehe
kalo boleh saya tahu, chapter brp yg menampilkan rambut tobi yg GONDRONG!!

Kalo Tobi gondrong ada di chapter 590 page 11, flashback Itachi pada saat akan membantai uchiha..

Prediksi lagi:
Pindah scene ke Sasuke+Orochimaru, berbarengan terungkapnya kebenaran dibalik uchiha, konoha, dan Tobi..
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#222PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 10:17 am

Saya rasa yang bertemu itachi itu adalah the real madara uchiha, bukan tobi.
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#224PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 11:11 am

Akhir'a setelah sekian lama Topik Diskusi Chapter sampai page 20 lebih,,mungkin ini membuktikan Chapter kali ini bnar" menegangkan...
Gx juga @Kir..itu kan hanya text,,bukan pernyataan langsung,,lagipula dari kata"a seperti nada Bertanya...
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diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty
#225PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty3/9/2012, 11:14 am

Setelah saya coba menganalisa Very Happy

1. Tobi yang bertarung dengan Yondaime Hokage adalah Madara, karena hanya Madara yng mampu melakukan Kuchiyose No Jutsu terhadap Kyubi.

2. Tobi yang saat ini memang benar adalah Uchiha Obito. Selain dari ciri fisik, Obito tidak dapat dibangkitkan dengan Edo Tensei oleh Kabuto karena masih hidup.

Pertanyaannya, ada hubungan apa antara Madara dan Obito? Jika anak umurnya terpaut sangat jauh, bisa dikatakan sebagai Cicit. Very Happy
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#226PostSubyek: Re: diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 diskusi naruto 599 dan prediksi naruto 600 - Page 9 Empty

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