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Prediksi One Piece 724

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Prediksi One Piece 724 Empty
#1PostSubyek: Prediksi One Piece 724 Prediksi One Piece 724 Empty6/10/2013, 10:51 am

Prediksi One Piece Chapter 724

Maaf atas keterlambatan pembuatan thread Prediksi One Piece 724 3262271040 

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  • Alur/Poin Prediksi dilarang mengambil/mengcopas dari spoiler/prediksi luar, resmi maupun tidak resmi
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silahkan dan selamat membuat alur prediksi Prediksi One Piece 724 2904840747

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Prediksi One Piece 724 Empty
#2PostSubyek: Re: Prediksi One Piece 724 Prediksi One Piece 724 Empty7/10/2013, 12:17 am


1)Sanji berusaha memberi waktu untuk Nami cs untuk bisa melarikan diri bersama Caesar

2)Bersama Law bakal menghadapi Dofla-Fuji,

3)Lanjutan pertandingan Blok D,ajang para kandidat unjuk gigi kemampuan masing2

Sekian Very Happy
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Prediksi One Piece 724 Empty
#3PostSubyek: Re: Prediksi One Piece 724 Prediksi One Piece 724 Empty8/10/2013, 10:45 am

post di trit sebelah wrote:
Spoiler OP 724

Dofla is the user of the String String Fruit.
He can produce and control threads like a spider, and attach them to clouds to travel in the air.
Sanji could not fight against Dofla’s power, and was almost impaled through the chest.
Law used [ROOM] to teleport Dofla, save Sanji, and brought Caeser onto the Sunny.

Caeser’s heart has always been in Law’s chest, while Law’s heart is hidden on the ship.
Law returned Caeser’s heart and asked Nami and the rest to head to Zou island.
The destruction of the SMILES factory will be left to Zoro’s group.
Law himself stayed behind to confront Dofla.
Sanji wonders why Law is hell-bent on opposing Dofla, when the original plan was to target Kaidou.

Fujitora used his [gravity] to send a marine ship flying towards the Sunny, but he was stopped by Law’s [ROOM].
Law keeps Jola with him against Dofla, while the Sunny escapes with [Coup de Burst].
Law declares his alliance with Luffy has ended.
Since the beginning, he was only using them to get rid of the SMILES.
Even if he were to lose now, as long as the SMILES factory is destroyed, Dofla will be targeted by Kaidou.

All of this was done as revenge against Dofla for what he did 13 years ago.
doflamingo was Laws’ real target from the beginning.
karena spoiler tersebut telah keluar, maka topik ini dikunci. Kami ucapkan terima kasih untuk kurogami-san yang setia memberikan prediksi. Kami telah memberikan 3 ramen (thanks) kepada kurogami-san. Jika nantinya prediksi ini bisa dikatakan mirip asli, maka bonus ramen bisa diluncurkan Prediksi One Piece 724 3262271040

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