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Bikin fic yuk...

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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#252PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty14/2/2010, 5:48 pm

terserah anda,anda kan author
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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#253PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty15/2/2010, 11:45 pm

fic anda bagus kok..

tpi gak perlu ngejek punya orang laen yac..

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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#254PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty16/2/2010, 3:18 pm

author-sama ini hobinya bkin fic
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Ryuki Uchiha
Legendary of Sennin
Legendary of Sennin
Ryuki Uchiha

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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#256PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty17/2/2010, 4:09 am

Ttg gaahina lagi yah, hhe, bgus juga.
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#258PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty25/2/2010, 2:07 pm

kren deh,mntab abeez,1 rep
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Ryuki Uchiha
Legendary of Sennin
Legendary of Sennin
Ryuki Uchiha

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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#259PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty25/2/2010, 5:22 pm

Di lanjutin dong fic nya gaahina
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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#261PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty25/2/2010, 6:54 pm

dah aq pindahin!
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#263PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty25/2/2010, 6:58 pm

kyak dah tua aj author-sama nie
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Ryuki Uchiha
Legendary of Sennin
Legendary of Sennin
Ryuki Uchiha

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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#264PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty26/2/2010, 4:22 am

Mana nih lanjutan cerita GaaHina ?
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Ryuki Uchiha
Legendary of Sennin
Legendary of Sennin
Ryuki Uchiha

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#266PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty26/2/2010, 7:59 am

Kalo gak salah terakhir cerita nya gaara dan hinata pergi ke konoha?
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Ryuki Uchiha
Legendary of Sennin
Legendary of Sennin
Ryuki Uchiha

Posting : 3284
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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#268PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty28/2/2010, 3:38 am

Kok genma jadi kesal gitu? Bentak bentak shizune pula
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#270PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty28/2/2010, 1:07 pm

obat tbc?buat apa shizune masukkin obat tbc?
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#271PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty28/2/2010, 1:19 pm

ya ampun AL-sama,. TBC =>> to be continued

btw, akakakakkakaka

Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 AddEmoticons12662-1

keren2... ceritanya begitu hidup en melo bgt.. rep utk author gajeh,.
author-sama pernh bkin novel melo gak? kpn2 coba bikin donk..

@ryuki-sama dan AL_sama: bukankah anda menikmati cerita author-sama? kok gak pernah ngasih REP..?
kasih rep donk sebagai wujud apresiasi terhadap karya..
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Ujian Jounin
Ujian Jounin

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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#273PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty28/2/2010, 1:27 pm

Untuk author gaje same harap tidak nge junk di sini,karena thread ini bkn tmpt untuk membuat fic,kalau mau buat yg begituan silahkan pd tmpatnya.karena post anda trlalu OOT,admin di harap tdk hnya diam,bknkah sblumnya d katakan akan menindak tgas post yg junk dan OOT
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Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty
#274PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty28/2/2010, 1:28 pm

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,baru tau tbc singkatannya to be continue,bukkannya tuberculosis??????hehehehe.penyakit to be continue,hehehehe
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Posting : 265
Join date : 29.01.10
Lokasi : HiddeN village, KiriGakure

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#275PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty28/2/2010, 1:29 pm

Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Cebollita_animated_onion-13

wkwkwkwkwkkw...fic nya ko nyampe mana2 ya..??
dan lagi2 cerita melo,.
ceritanya dilanjutin di sub-Fic aja ya..

btw, kekesalan topic ini udah selesei yah..? cape juga klo kesel melulu..
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#276PostSubyek: Re: Bikin fic yuk... Bikin fic yuk... - Page 11 Empty

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